Topic 4 – Sharing as a group

Hello again! Topic 4 was a great opportunity to share our impressions about Gilly Salmon’s five-step model allowing us to discuss some important prerequisites for digital literacy or knowledge construction with attention to online socialization and information exchange. Using Padlet tool we uncover the 5-Stage model of Teaching and Learning Online in each Topic learned until that moment:

  • Access and motivation – Social networking apps were cited as a great strategy for this stage, Tweetchats and Padlets ahead of the webinars worked well to stimulate empathy and collaboration;
  • Online Socialization – Synchronous meetings were crucial for our group. The feeling of belong to a community help to be motivated and committed with the activities and the course as a whole;
  • Information Exchange – Here some tools as Coggle, Padlet and Zoom meetings were used as example to achieve a degree of collaboration, anyway it is important to keep in our mind the differences observed in relation to be more comfortable with some subjects that we are more familiar when compared with others not so familiar for the group, characterizing a feeling that allow to us become as a mindset digital literacy resident or visitor with the characteristics of someone confident, cognitive, critical and civic;
  • Knowledge Construction – Here the interaction become much more collaborative, blog has an important role showing the individual constructed knowledge, the opportunity to discuss the material shared by the ONL designers and facilitators is critical because we can work together looking for answers and sharing our findings in PBL-work;
  • Development or Review – Finally in this stage “students are comfortable collaborating and cooperating, being responsible for their own learning and that of the group”. So, you can comment on other blog posts and answer to comments. The feedback of the facilitators is always welcome to understandings on the subjects. Preview experience can take part of the process contributing to confidence in the use of acquired knowledge.
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Topic 3 – Hello again…

Hello again! About two months after ONL 191 course, here I am writing my point of view for topic 3. It is interesting come back to the concepts we studied together with our colleagues from Group 3 and this topic was important because brought some concepts that we face in our academical work. Group work is not so collaborative as we would like to be because there are many characteristics that are crucial to be considered before you will conduct a group work. Thinking about this we could investigate the differences between collaboration and cooperation, discover the role of motivation in the process, discuss how diminish the social loafing and improve curiosity, creating mechanisms to favor the feeling of becoming part of a learning community. One conclusion we had is that recognizing skills and weaknesses is an important part of arranging the collaborative work, because then one can do what he/she do best as a member of the group. In our PBL group work for this topic we choose to focus on motivation, communication strategies, curiosity and sense of community to talk about online networked collaboration.

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Topic 2 – Openness. Open Learning

It’s not a novelty for me sharing the resources and discussions I have with my students in my classes. I have already been doing that since the beginner of my academical trajectory in 2009, adopting this formidable tool for sharing knowledge, named blog. I’m not sure about how much I have committed hits and misses, but I have not doubt that this is an extraordinary way to motivate students to participating in the process of sharing information and learn and teaching together. There is a great resistance to digital formats of education as a component to enhance the performance of students and teachers when we are thinking in traditional academical courses, and maybe in some ways it is really dangerous to be totally open, considering the necessity of practical environment when the discipline requires this position. Another important thing to think about is copyright, ethical aspects and even personal preferences.

Perhaps one critical step to be successful is the indication for students using adequate tools, as flipped classroom method for example. Unfortunately, students can be more conservatives than many of our colleagues when you are looking for change from an education centered in teachers to an education centered in learners. We have a good statement about this in the words of Alastair Creelman: “Tradition and attitudes are a much bigger barrier than technology and very hard to break down. We need to realize that students are not always as digital as we think they are and that many are very comfortable with being passive information consumers”. So important as the discussion above is the feeling of lose control, and I think this is one of the most critical factors to many of our colleagues doesn’t adopt openness in their classes. In relation to that for me losing control is associated with lack of planning and risk assessment. When you don’t planner something sufficient well because of absence of time, knowledge, support or everything necessary to do that well, you have not control, but it is almost impossible to be comfortably save that you have control of everything, so risk assessment and resilience are good concepts to think when you are worried about control.

Anyway, I have to say I really appreciate to learning and teaching using openness in my classes, but I can understand when my colleagues become worried about the quality of courses and how much prepared is the professional after taking these courses. My opinion is that some of them are really good and others are not so good yet. “ONL191” is a good example of a course that is worth doing. No wonder it’s already working for so many times. Perhaps, this is the best way to evaluate the quality of a course, something with quality usually remains, while something precarious succumbs.


Publicado em PBL group 03 | 2 Comentários

Topic 1 – Online participation and digital literacy

It is not unusual in the present day to me to be surprised by something I don’t wait for. In topic 1 we had the opportunity to discuss many concepts, attitudes and point of views which have done an effect so deep in my classes and posture inside internet and digital environment that I feel full inclined to change not only my way in conducting my classes, but the level of empathy and collaboration in the construction of knowledge to be shared with the students and teachers depending on my position as student or professor too.

 Generally, we don’t mattering with the difficulties and peculiarities that each student in his singular world has to confront to follow our thoughts and important subjects to be shared, but how meaningful these thoughts and subjects are in the context of the student? Do you really know the student? When I think about the questions: who I am as an individual in the digital age, and what characterizes my journey so far? I have to say that this opportunity to take a course like #ONL is so enriched to me as that to be in contact with the most important pedagogues and thinkers in education which had impact in my formation as a researcher and professor. I would like to mention Paulo Freire and its wonderful teaching “The pedagogy of oppressed”, Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varella with the invaluable book “The tree of knowledge” and Howard Gardner and the concept developed by him of the “Multiple intelligences”.

So, digital literacy refers to the need to establish in our minds the urgency to be ready to discover new insights about concepts which we believed as established, but in truth can be remodeled to something more sophisticated or complete. There is no doubt that we will feel sometimes as skillsets residents or visitors using cultural, creative, constructive and communicative digital literacies and in other occasions this feeling will allow to us become as a mindset digital literacy resident or visitor too, with the characteristics of someone confident, cognitive, critical and civic. Sometimes you think the cup is full, but sometimes you change your mind and think the cup is empty.


Glass Half Empty

Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books; 440 p.

Freire, Paulo. (2006). Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 30th Anniversary ed. New York: Continuum.

Maturana, H. and VARELA, F. (1987). The Tree of Knowledge, Shambhala, Boston.


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Enthusiastic about the ONL course


Second week of course and already enjoying considerably all the benefits of interaction and exchange of knowledge of the virtual environment. I thought the opportunity to participate in the first meeting with the PBL group fantastic and I must say that the first impressions about the course and its organization are the best possible. There is no doubt that the decision to take the course was terrific and will mean a new look and attitude in all my pedagogical activities and why not say research and extension, from the preparation of the lesson plan, through assessments and interaction with students, communities and data. Anxious for what is to come.

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A emergência de monitoração

Um cenário caótico se apresenta à sociedade contemporânea brasileira e está cada vez mais difícil ter uma visão otimista sobre a qualidade de vida e até sobre a plausibilidade de se viver dignamente no nosso país. A corrupção que impera nos poderes executivo, legislativo e porque não dizer judiciário, em todos os níveis: federal, estadual e municipal, não é uma exclusividade destes atores. O brasileiro não resiste à possibilidade de obter vantagem e a frase feita estampada nos carros “é bom ser do bem” já não representa tanto respeito, gentileza, correção e honestidade com o próximo, como sugere o website que lançou a campanha, afinal furar a fila de carros passando pelo acostamento não é um indicativo destas qualidades, ou alguém discorda? Porém, vamos um pouco além. Quantos de nós não já sofremos com aquela terrível dor de barriga associada à diarreia e dor de cabeça, para não dizer quadros mais graves de intoxicação alimentar, devido aquele sanduíche ou salada contaminados graças aos descuidados dos manipuladores de alimentos ou estabelecimentos de alimentação sem nenhum cuidado com a higiene? O que todos estes problemas têm em comum? “Falta de Monitoração”.

O Brasil se gaba de ter em sua constituição uma das mais bem elaboradas do mundo, mas não consegue apresentar justiça social. A desorganização, a falta de planejamento e a incompetência administrativa e de gestão são estampadas diariamente em todas as mídias em obras superfaturadas, que demoram duas ou três vezes o tempo determinado para a sua conclusão, oxalá quando concluídas. No entanto, chega de falar dos nossos problemas. Necessitamos mais do que nunca é de soluções. Já passou da hora de nos predispormos e nos responsabilizarmos pela ocupação das posições de monitoração existentes na sociedade civil. Os comitês estão aí aguardando o posicionamento daqueles verdadeiramente interessados em mudanças e necessitam da participação dos diversos atores de maneira integrada. A única maneira de modificarmos o atual cenário citado no início desta postagem é sairmos do estado de indiferença, tão bem lembrado recentemente pelo Papa Francisco, e começarmos a entender o real papel que devemos desempenhar de nos educar e educarmo-nos uns aos outros constantemente, primeiro pelo nosso exemplo e, em seguida, pela vigilância constante. Um grande aliado são as redes sociais e a internet. Viu uma fila imensa no banco ou na casa lotérica, observou alguém furando a fila pelo acostamento, sabe de uma obra que já passou do tempo de conclusão, fotografe, divulgue, informe. Vamos fazer com que sintamos vergonha de cometer uma inflação e vamos deixar, de uma vez por todas, de achar que o mundo é dos mais “espertos”, mas que na realidade, ele pertence aos mais solidários e a aqueles que verdadeiramente acreditam que “é bom ser do bem”.

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Cursos edX


Para aqueles que gostam de fazer cursos online e querem aprimorar o seu conhecimento do inglês, uma ótima sugestão é o site, trata-se de um ambiente que disponibiliza diversos cursos na modalidade “MOOC” (sigla em inglês para: curso online aberto e massivo) das melhores universidades do mundo e nas mais diversas áreas. Realmente é uma ótima oportunidade inclusive para fazer contato com potenciais orientadores para bolsas de graduação no programa Ciência sem fronteiras ou mesmo para aqueles que desejam fazer doutorado sanduíche, por exemplo. Experimentem!

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Plataforma Tecnológica para o Desenvolvimento de Fitoterápicos

Este trabalho é fruto do esforço coletivo de alunos, funcionários e professores do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas (PPGCF) da Universidade Federal do Pará. A sua concepção surgiu a partir da disciplina “Tópicos em Medicamentos” que aborda os principais aspectos envolvidos no desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos a partir de plantas medicinais visando o tratamento de diversas enfermidades comumente observadas na sociedade contemporânea. A colaboração dos professores e funcionários do Programa falando sobre as técnicas e conhecimentos de seus respectivos laboratórios, aliado à pesquisa bibliográfica realizada pelos alunos são os conhecimentos aqui apresentados.

Plataforma tecnológica

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Qualidade Total para a Indústria Farmacêutica Brasileira

Vejam esta reportagem no site Valor Econômico sobre as perspectivas da indústria farmacêutica no Brasil. Observem a menção sobre a produção de medicamentos biológicos e reflitam sobre a importância da capacitação e do Controle de Qualidade (aqui destacando todos os assuntos das nossas aulas iniciais) na consolidação da indústria nacional:

Valeu pela contribuição Rogério Aguiar.

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